OVFD Hosts Annual Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest and Open House
By Photographer Frank Di Pentima
October 5, 2015

The Oakland Volunteer Fire Department recently hosted our annual Fire Prevention poster contest at the Company 1 firehouse. Awards for winning posters were handed out to children from who were selected from all of the Oakland public schools. In addition to presenting the awards the OVFD also held an Open House where various fire safety tips were shared and demonstrations included a smokehouse courtesy of the Skyline Lakes FD smoke trailer, a demonstration of car extraction tools, hands on training on how to use a fire hose and a visit from Sparky the fire dog.

In addition to the members of the Fire Department, members of the Oakland First Aid Squad and Police Department where on hand to provide guests with information about EMS and public safety.

A special Thank You goes out to our Ladies Auxiliary who provided and served refreshments to all of our guests.

This event would not have been possible without the planning and execution of Captain Vincent Dies who is our Fire Prevention Week Chairman – Thank You Vinnie.