2015 Annual Installation Dinner
By Ex Chief Robert Knapp
January 19, 2015

The Oakland Fire Department held it's annual installation dinner Saturday night 1/17/15 at the Brownstone Inn in Paterson. This dinner is to introduce the 2015 officers, recognize the 2014 accomplishments of the department as a whole and individual members.
The 2015 Officers were introduced as follows:

Department Chief - Curtis Leroy
Co1 Assistant Chief - Charles Kelly
Co2 Assistant Chief - David Hutsabaut

Company 1 Officers
Captain - Vincent Dies
Lieutenant - Tyler Leroy
Lieutenant - Lewis Thurston

Company 2 Officers
Captain - Vincent Incorvaia
Lieutenant - Brian Fassett

Co 1 Matt Sorce
Co 2 Timothy Ryan

Department Secretary Timothy DeBlock

Association Officers
President - Jack Longa
Vice President - William Tjaden
Secretary - Timothy DeBlock
Treasurer - David O'Connor

Ladies Auxiliary President - Judy Kober

The following Awards were presented:
Firefighter of the year - Steven Longa
Department Chiefs Award - Ex-Chief Edwin Kimmel
Presidents Award - Chaplin Russell Stammer
Co 1 Chiefs Award - Matt Sorce
Co 2 Chiefs Award - Chris Hoitsma
Rookie of the Year - Cody Leroy
Black hat Awards
1st place - Donald Hoyt - responded to 215 calls
2nd place - Lewis Thurston - responded to 213 calls
3rd place - Pete Pfeiffer - responded to 209 calls

Donald Johnston and Gary Walker were presented with plaques and thanked for their time serving as Lieutenants on the fire department. A great time was had by all. Lets all hope for a safe 2015!